Friday, November 2, 2007


Cauldron stirring polyester costume wearing pumpkin carving candy eating season is over....and not a minute too soon. I'm tired. The highlights included watching Daniel get into character and Karate chop everyone in his way, parading little Isabelle around for her first Halloween, making delicious candy apples, and trick o' treating with a great big group of friends and family. We had a little gathering at our place on Halloween night, and by little I mean 8kids, 3 babies and 8 adults...good times. What are homes for if not for filling them with the people we love. The day after Halloween I went into a children's boutique and they were putting up Christmas decorations. Can we have a minute..geez.


1 comment:

Super B said...

adorable!! absolutely adorable! of course, Daniel looks cute too!