Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Maybe I've been married too long to care too much about this holiday. I love love and I love getting flowers but this commercialized version of romance..not so much. When we were newlyweds it was a big deal. Having flowers delivered, a "romantic"dinner out, and a forced love note on a card all seemed so necessary. One year I even sent a singing telegram to my husband at work. Now, I'm happy with good take-out and a to the ballet wouldn't hurt either.

My most romantic memories are never in any way linked to this day. The teddy bear and chocolate thing really just doesn't do it for me. I'm glad to be in a place where we show our love through our daily actions. Like when my husband does the laundry or runs out at any hour to pick up some food I'm craving (and not just when I'm pregnant). Even more romantic is when he reads to our son, or wakes up with the baby. In our last house, before he left to work he'd get our son's chocolate milk ready in a sippy cup in his room so I wouldn't have to go all the way downstairs and could have an extra half hour of sleep. He will drop whatever hes doing to help my mom deliver a cake or fix something in her house or carry her groceries. He will even skip a football game to watch a movie with me.

I have been blessed with a man who shows his love everyday, and a son who last night wrote me a love note and as a gift drew a cleaning robot for me--sweet! Next year when our daughter is old enough to get it, I imagine my husband will get her flowers and a teddy bear on this day, but for me, I'll take the daily acts of selflessness and kindness and count myself as one of the lucky ones.

If you're still into the other version--or not. Here are some sweet images.

images from lovely flickr users



Liz Harrell said...

How nice. You husband sounds like a real keeper!

Crystal said...

I had to laugh because you have described my husband to a "T". He fills the midnight-sippys with 1/2 water and 1/2 juice. Instead of ballet, he prefers symphonies and musicals. The one ballet we went to disappointed him because there was no dialogue. Though he frequently curls up with our daughter to watch "The Nutcracker Ballet" at home because there is a