Sunday, April 12, 2009

I hope you have a....

Banners can be found here

I made this banner today for a friend who hosts an annual Egg Hunt Extravaganza. I also took my son to his flag football game, made strawberry Jam with Becca, baked a pie for dinner tomorrow, made dinner for my family tonight, hemmed my son's pants, finished sewing a b-day gift for another friends little girl, assembled my kids Easter Baskets, Finished Isabelle's bow, Ironed tomorrow's clothes and printed my lesson for Gospel Doctrine class. My husband who is always beyond helpful gave the kids baths and took over bedtime stories tonight.

Yesterday we spent the day at the beach and after my husband took our 5 year old son on his first Father-Son campout. He loved it!

and since it was Spring Break this week here are some other things we managed to squeeze in:

Movie night, Day at the park which included a picnic, a football game, and an Egg Hunt. Cookie making, egg dying, a playdate...I'm sure I'm missing something....

I am TIRED! So so tired. But Happy. I love Easter. I love Spring, and I absolutely love every minute spent with my family. ◦

1 comment:

Super B said...

You always have a ton of projects and things to do! It was fun yesterday and your banner turned out awesome!! Love you girl!!