Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Something I've been waiting to tell you.

That, is Jayma Mays of Glee premiering tonight on Fox. Watch it. It's a very very good show. Also, and this is big news for me. I actually got to interview Jayma Mays for Eliza Magazine. My article comes out in this Fall's Issue. I cannot wait! Jayma is one of nicest people I've ever spoken to. I can't wait for everyone to know her.

On a more personal note, this Summer, by pure serendipity, I got the opportunity to meet, hang out with, fall in love with, and subsequently bribe (with delicious treats) the magazine's Editor to allow me the opportunity to write.

I'm so honored my first published piece will be in Eliza Magazine--a quality magazine that I proudly stand 100% behind. Every issue is beautiful, positive and incredibly smart. If you haven't subscribed yet. Go Here.



Unknown said...

OMG! You are officially to coolest person I know! I love Glee! I want to know more about this "serendipidous meeting"! How awesome are you!

Leslie said...

How exciting and congratulations. I'll be looking for your article

Unknown said...

How fabulous! You and Eliza are a perfect fit - can't wait for your good-reads. xoxo

we chirp said...

Holy Bananas! You got to interview Jayma? I love her! I also love Eliza - congrats to you!

we chirp said...

Holy Bananas! You got to interview Jayma? I love her! I also love Eliza - congrats to you!

Emily Gillrie said...

CONGRATS! That is so exciting.